Fragrance is who you are!
Concept, movies & interviews
Pitti Fragrance Florence
INTERTRADE GROUP announces UNSCENT “Fragrance is Who You Are” an exceptional artistic installation to be revealed at Pitti Fragranze
UNSCENT “Fragrance is Who You Are” offers the unique opportunity to experience amazing fragrances in a bold, surprising way. Combining Intertrade’s artistic fragrance and beauty selection with a modern, visual experience, the products are set against a back-drop of a provocative photo-art installation, consisting of immersive video projections and portraits.
UNSCENT ‘Fragrance is Who You Are’ lets visitors witness both how connected individuals are to fragrances, and how much a fragrance can be part of an individual. Celso Fadelli, President and Fragrance Curator explains, “is special artistic installation allows participants to feel at firsthand how fragrances are fundamental to our identities – to who we are, to who you are.”
UNSCENT ‘Fragrance is Who You Are’ was born from Intertrade’s recent collaboration with world renowned Dutch artist Toshy, whose expressive and engaging storytelling art and freestyle hand script portraits and images caught the attention of contemporary art experts and enthusiasts around the world.
Fadelli adds, “Perfume is part of an individual’s identity; it influences how people see us and what we are reminded of. Fragrance depicts our personality, it defines who we are and attracts us. Based on this concept, our artistic project involves the expression and creation of different identities, where perfume is the protagonist because it is able to make each personality unique.”
Artist Toshy comments, “Photographic compositions include faces of multiple ethnicities that make up images of different people. The concept symbolizes the idea that the perfume can affect each individual’s
Fadelli summarizes, “The portraits of the faces that we will exhibit are enriched by Toshy’s work and his art of transforming what we visualize. e techniques and masks used are a universal phenomenon that draws its origins from ancient times, and represent the basis for modern makeup. The installation will highlight both our fragrance and beauty brands.”
Concept/Art: Toshy
Photography: Toshy
Video: Toshy